Sometimes getting your eyes shot out is all it takes to see your destiny.
Dark comedy film
Twisted humor movie
Satirical laughter
Unconventional plot twists
Comedy in the shadows
Humor meets darkness

Horses from around the world must attend training academy to become the only thing that can protect the earth from the evil spirits: A Unicorn

Political Thriller
A prominent Governor kills himself after being belittled by his ex-wife in public which got posted live on social media, only to find out all the ramification from all her actions from judge, jury, and Executioner. Her son.
Inflation has raised gas prices so high that it forces the Griffin family to seek jobs and embark on separate journals, to discover that all roads lead to Epstein's island. Peter works as a Comedian, and Stewie helps Elon acquire Twitter while helping Peter with his jokes for his Oscar night presentation.